Login Help


Having trouble logging into your Somero Account? See our troubleshooting guide below.

Don’t have a Somero account yet? You can create one at somero.com/register.


My email or password is incorrect

First, be sure that you are using the email/username that is registered with somero.com or Somero Certificate Training.

Also, make sure there are no extra spaces in your email/username and password.  If you’ve forgotten your password, see “I Forgot My Password” below for instructions.


I forgot my password (Reset Password)

  1. From the Somero Login page (somero.com/profile), click “Don’t remember your password?”
  2. Enter the email address associated with your somero.com or Somero Certificate Training account and click “Send Email”
  3. Check your email account associated with your somero.com or Somero Certificate Training account and follow the instructions sent by Auth0.
  4. Once you have updated your password, try logging in again at somero.com/profile or lms.somero.com.
  5. If you continue to have issues please contact Somero Support at support@somero.com.


I did not receive an email when clicking “I Forgot My Password”

Your email/username may not have been registered correctly. Please register again via the registration page on somero.com. If you continue to have issues, please contact Somero Support at support@somero.com for help.


I no longer have access to the email I originally registered

If you’ve lost access to the email account you’ve registered in the past, please contact Somero Support at support@somero.com for help.